I finished up three more sailor tops this week. That brings my total made to seven, I've kept all but one. It's a fabulous pattern. I'm sure I'll even make more. I've also made good progress on my swaps and bees. I'll share that here too.
Here I am modeling my latest three Sailor Tops. I changed it up this time with sleeve and collar accents. I love the horse one from Honeymoon by Sarah Watts for Cotton and Steel. Cotton and Steel sure make some awesome prints! |
Here are all six of mine together. I love how they look so different and give a different vibe even though they are the same pattern. It's been fun playing around with them. |
I'm in the Quiltersbeemod bee formed on Instagram. It's been fun playing with new techniques and styles. These were much easier than expected and I got to use weird pieces left over from my tops to make them - bonus! |
I shared what I made for the mini house swap last week. Here's what I got in return. I really love it! The colors are fab and the quilting really makes the houses pop. |
I also got some time in to do a bit of organization. I inherited a bunch of floss but it was all helter-skelter. I also had to buy some new ones for a project. That prompted me to organize it all and wrap it up. I got the cute little cards from Hobby Lobby. They have a bunch of fun designs. Then my mother-in-law, who came for a short visit, helped me wrap several of them as we chatted. It was a really fun and relaxing time together. Also, my floss looks amazing now! |
Here's my next project. It's for the Back to the Future swap I'm in. This is actually attempt two. The first try the fabric was too light and there was zero contrast between it and the Delorean. This is actually a light blue that doesn't seem to photograph well but the contrast is there. |
That's me for the week! Thanks for stopping buy. I hope to make good progress on the Delorean this week as well as finish up the Hazel Hedgehog quilt. It's my September ALYoF goal and I've not missed one this year! Until then I'm linking up with
Finish It Up Friday.