This page is to introduce you to Julie of That's Sew Julie. If there is anything else you'd like to know leave a comment and I'll reply and update my page. For a list with pictures of my completed quilts see this page.
My name is Julie and I am an avid reader and addicted to crocheting,
quilting, and scrapbooking. I live in Iowa with my wonderful husband
Aaron and my four beautiful children, Spencer, Miya, Amelia, and Alex.
This is where all the magic happens...
Here's a bit of Q & A for your reading pleasure...
This is where all the magic happens...
My sewing table. Yeah, I totally cleaned it off for this picture. It's not typically this clean but it's so nice to have this much space! |
This is my paper-crafting area. I love the shelves to store all my things! |
I adore the big windows that let all the sun in but they also made it really bad for this picture. It's a nice little space and with four kids and a hubby I'm lucky to have this much space to myself! |
- How long have you been quilting - I started with a Sunbonnet Sue quilt in 1997, I think. It's hard to remember that long ago. I was 14 going on 15 and really wanted to try quilting. I'm sorry to say I don't have the quilt or even a picture of it but I do have a pillow I made to match the quilt. For the whole story on that go here.
- Favorite quilting tip(s) - As I learned while making my first quilt you really need to have the right tools for the job. That means having a rotary cutter, mat, and ruler. Make sure your blade is sharp enough to cut. Make sure you have enough thread that matches what you're working on. Also, take your time. Sloppy cuts = sloppy quilts.
- Favorite blogging tip(s) - Remove the word veri-freaking-cation! Everyone HATES having to tell if that's a EQGS or an EOGS. Save them the trouble and just take it off! I removed mine shortly after I started my blog and I've never had a spam comment. As an extra precaution I've put up comment moderation for posts older than 30 days. It seems that when I had problems on my other blog from spam comments it was always on the older posts. Also link, link, link. It's the easiest way to cite a source for anything and to help people find other posts in yours or others blogs. It takes a bit more time but it's so worth it!
- Favorite fabric (or wish list fabric) - Ruby by Bonnie and Camille for Moda jumped into my head first when I saw this question but there are a lot I'm loving right now. I find this question amusing because it wasn't until October of 2011 that I even knew that designer fabric existed. I'd never heard of Moda or Michael Miller or any of the other well known companies that I'm in love with now. I always bought my fabric at Joann's or Hobby Lobby. I never even thought to look at who made it I just needed to know if it matched. I'm floored by the quality of the more expensive lines and I'd be hard pressed to go back.
- Favorite craft book - I haven't bought a craft book in years! I get most of my patterns online now and download them to my Nook or print them out. Although the book I've found the most useful over the years is "I Can't Believe I'm Crocheting!" It has so many pictures and runs though step by step. I'm an avid crocheter now and I may even love it more than quilting thanks to this book.
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You can get this book here or try the updated version here. |
- Favorite book (or book you are currently reading) - I adore Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It's quintessential science-fiction and even though it was written in 1953 he captures so many of the nuances of our day. He predicted so many of the technological advances it's mind boggling. In the book the people, in an attempt to create a balanced society, have banned books. They feel without them people will be on the same level intellectually. Thus Firefighters instead of putting out fires start them to burn the books they find hidden around the city. The novel follows one such firefighter as he struggles though life in this environment.
- Favorite children's book - Who could pick just one?! I'm loving Llama Llama Mad at Mama right now. The illustrations are priceless and I love how it gives a glimpse into my child's mind. The book follows little Llama as he goes to the store with his Mama. It tells how he feels and what he experiences during the trip.
- Favorite quilting tool - Again with the hard to narrow down! I think it's got to be my rotary cutter. How did I every survive without it?
- Favorite music to listen to while quilting - I adore the various albums from Glee. Seriously great music all in one place. I find myself singing along while I happily work away.
- Favorite TV show while hand stitching - I find that I am MUCH slower if I try to watch anything while hand stitching. I just stare at the screen and have the needle limp in my hand. Occasionally I'll pick up something I'm working on while watching TV but I don't turn it on while I'm quilting on purpose. Instead I listen to music, see the above question, or enjoy a moment of silence if my four kids are asleep.
- Binding - by hand or by machine? - I used to ALWAYS do it by hand. Then I discovered machine binding (it's my lack of quilting heritage striking again) and it's pretty difficult to go back. I bind by hand if it really needs to look perfect or if there are too many curves in the edge like this quilt.
- If I'd only known - what you wish you knew about blogging before you started your blog - To take more pictures! Before my blog I never took pictures during a quilting process and I usually only took one of the finish. It wasn't always in the best light and didn't show off the quilt as it could have. Now I know and I take all kinds of pictures during the process and when it's finished. I take from different angles and in different light to make sure I capture its fabulousness for posterity.
Your blog is awesome! I can tell that you're loving doing this. I always get excited when I see that you have posted something new :)
ReplyDeleteI love Fahrenheit 451. I read it in my English class in high school and I loved it so much and was a great book to discuss in class! That one and The Crucible!