It's my birthday! I just adore birthdays, they don't even have to be mine. To celebrate I'm giving a
13% off discount to
my shop. Why 13% you ask? Well, my birthday is the 13th, it's 2013, and I'm now 31 which is 13 backwards. It seemed fitting. So
hop on over, pick out anything you want and enter the
code 111313 in the coupon box and 13% will be taken off your order. It's that simple. The coupon is good until the 20th.
Anyway, I have been having a lot of fun but not a lot of focus this week so I'm sort of all over the place with this work-in-progress post. I'm linking up over at
Freshly Pieced.
I'll start off with my little man...
I bought my little guy this fireman fabric back in June although it feels like much longer ago than that. Anyway, he just adored it. You have no idea. He would carry it around the house, put it in a bag and take it with us everywhere, he even slept with it, all folded up on his bed. I kept asking him if I could cut it and make him a quilt and he would freak out. With tears he would always reject the idea with force, "NO! No cut my favric!" |
He is now 3 1/2 years-old. He's just getting too big to sleep with his baby quilt any more. I'm amazed he's lasted this long. I was tucking him in and his tiny feet were hanging out the bottom. So I said, you know, if you let me have that fabric I can make you a big quilt like your brothers and it will actually cover your feet. "OKAY!!" he said, "here you go!" At which point he gathered up all eight from on his bed and handed them to me one by one. He then said, "you go make my quilt. I sleep now." If only it was that fast and I didn't need sleep myself. I'm pretty proud of myself for getting it all cut out though. It's going to be randomly assembled 8" equilateral triangles. |
Also in the works this week is a variation on the double wedding ring. I am so super excited about this one! I hope to get it done in time for the challenge that is due on the 1st of December. I know it's a tight deadline but like I said, it's a variation. |
This is more or less what I have thus far. The blues are done. The reds I actually have pieced a bunch more than this but the lighting was horrible at night. They are all cut and ready to go. I'm going to applique them on so that'll be faster. Then all I have to do is quilt and bind. |
I have this crazy goal of having a finish done every week. Well, nothing I was currently working on was going to be done by Friday so I started something new. It kind of defeats the purpose but this was on my list anyway. It's going to be an I-spy bag. What you do is make a bean bag with a vinyl window in it. Fill the bean bag with whatever (I'll be using little plastic pellets) but also throw in things to find. I found all these fun buttons I'll be throwing in. I have enough stuff to make two. It'll be so fun!! |
Now on to crochet...
I made this awesome Gingerbread Man hat this week. Isn't it adorable?! I found the pattern here. It is now listed in my shop. Notice also the fabulous studio-esque photo! I was pretty impressed with myself. I switched where I took them and added a solid white background with these crazy good results! |
I also made this adorable Gingerbread girl hat. It is listed in my shop as well. I love the bow!! I may just have to make a bunch of these just to poke in my little girls hair. |
Here's my cute muchkin sporting her hat with style!! |
I also added gold to the mix of crowns. It's such a fun bright color! It's great for a crown but would be crazy in the shawl that they have the pattern for on the yarn. |
So that's my progress this week. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to hop over to
my Etsy shop and celebrate my birthday with me by getting
13% off anything with the code