We must begin this post with how I'm terrified of sewing clothes. I can rock a quilt and can crochet most anything but 3-D sewn objects scare me. It all started with my upcoming vacation and my accompanying skirt crisis. The skirt crisis began months ago but has just now been solved.
You see I fell in love with a pencil skirt at New York and Company clothing store. It flattered me and was a great simple piece to update my wardrobe. Last year I bought one and have subsequently purchased three more. It was upon receipt of the last one that I noticed a problem. There is a slit in the back that when the tacking stitches are cut and I bend over it shows all they way up to my bum. OH NO! I've owned a version of this skirt for about a year. Who has seen my bum?
Now comes the vacation part of it. I'm going to church with my sister while there and I wanted something new to wear that actually covered me. I just bought this fun orange shirt in the picture below and I needed something to go with it. Once upon a time I had a maxi skirt that I adored. Over the years it has decomposed leaving a threadbare version of itself behind. I figured what better idea than to make another one to match my new shirt?
I carefully searched patterns for one that would be simple enough that I wouldn't panic at the thought of making it. I am not great at zippers and I simply cannot do a gathered stitch. In the end I found something and I love how it turned out.
The biggest pain was cutting out the pattern. My pins kept getting stuck in my carpet and I don't have a large enough hard floor surface to pin it on. I found that the pattern had what's called a godet. It's a triangle piece to add flow. I was really nervous about this part, so much so that the cut skirt sat in my craft room for days before I got around to sewing it. They weren't as difficult as I imagined and the whole thing went together fairly quickly.
*A note of caution when making your own clothes. Be prepared for size shock! I know I'm not as thin as I used to be (another post in and of itself) but I don't think I look that bad. I'm typically between a 12 and 14. Well for this skirt I'm a 22!?! I nearly cried.
Here I am wearing the skirt. You can see the bottom of my orange shirt at the top of the picture. I think it goes nicely! I just ADORE how long it is! I am six feet tall and to have something that long on me is just shy of a miracle. It's not the most form fitting thing but I love how comfy and flowy it is. |
This is what it looks like on the hanger. |
I went to my local quilt store in search of a fun match. I love Kate Spain's Good Fortune line and I was so happy when I found this one to match my new shirt! The ladies working there agreed that it would be fabulous. I was a bit worried that such a large print would be overwhelming but once on it calms down a lot. |
Here's the pattern I worked from. It's Simplicity #2184. You can even find these on the web and print them out on your computer, who knew? |