This week I worked on quite a smattering of projects. I didn't get as many crafty things done as in my last posts but you should see how clean my house is! I'm caught up on the dishes (my nemesis) and the laundry too, which in a house of six is no easy feat. I made a skirt, worked on my scrapbooks, and did a few rows on my afghan. My friend from Alaska got her package of crochet hats and sent me pictures for my blog. Check out how adorable her boys are in
this post.
Completed: The maxi skirt. See my
post here for more details.
I love how long it is and how it flows! |
Progress: Scrapbooks and Afghan
I had a miscarriage in November but I had all these ultrasounds and pictures that I'd taken in the pregnancy so far. I didn't want to just throw them out so I decided to make a tiny book to put them in as well as my journal entries that talk about my experience. It's been hard but cleansing and I'm glad that the memories of this little life that touched mine, even for such a short time, will be preserved. |
I also did a little work on my family scrapbook. I have a scrapbook for each of my four kids and one for the family too so I have a record when they take theirs. It's a lot of work but I'm loving it. I have from our marriage in 2004 to the beginning of 2010 done. I rotate hobbies I do to keep it fresh and I'm feeling a scrapbook bug coming on. |
I also did a few rows on the never-ending crochet afghan. It's probably never ending because I keep starting new projects around it and only doing a row or two a week, HA! Maybe I'll work on it more this week. |
No progress:
• Cape Ann Quit
• A Walk in the Woods Quilt
• Skill Builder Sampler (seriously need to get on this one)
This week's stats:
Completed projects - 1
New projects - 0
Currently in progress - 5
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I can only imagine the heartbreak. I am glad you will have a keepsake to look back on.