Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Cheating?

 Is it cheating to go two weeks between WIP Wednesdays and then look like I'm so awesome getting so much done?  Probably, but we've all been horribly ill with the flu for the last week and it's been nasty.  I'm glad I got anything done but here are my finishes and works-in-progress...

I have a longtime friend who recently moved to rural Alaska and I wanted to send her a care package.  I thought it would be fun to try out some crochet patterns I've been itching to get my hands on and send her some hats.  I was just going to make her three little boys hats but then I got carried away.

This is my little girl (age 3) trying on the hat I made for her twin boys (age 3.5).  You can tell it's just HUGE and totally not going to work.  Thus, the Dad got a matching hat and I got to start over again with a smaller size for the boys.  The hat is still adorable though.  I got this Viking Hat Pattern here.

Attempt number two went much better on the Viking hat.  It has a little room to spare for growing but fits much better.

Here it is from a slightly different angle without my little girl's cute face to distract you.  I love the bottom edge and totally think it adds to the hat.

I laughed out loud when I saw this hat pattern.  It was so cute and funny that I had to make it for someone.  Alaskan friend seemed perfect!  Her little guy is eight months old and will be adorable in this hat.  I got the Crabby Hat pattern here but it was kind of frustrating.  It didn't tell me how long to make the hat it just said, "keep going until it's long enough."  Well, not having the baby here and without a similar aged kid around it was VERY difficult to figure this out.  After a bit of googling I found this post that said hat sizes for various ages and it gave me what I needed.  The pattern was cute but worth $4.50 when I had to figure the base out on my own?  I don't know about that.

This had is for my friend the Mom in the family.  The pattern is called Divine Hat found here and I just love it!  It worked up a bit bigger than I wanted it to but my hubby says it just makes it more comfortable.  I hope he's right.  I love the design either way and I will totally make this one again.

I finished up the blanket and matching burp cloths for my friend Stefanie's baby.  With all the illness in the house it took a lot longer than I expected but they look so cute!  I still HATE how that dark purple looks so blue in the picture, it really does match in real life, odd.

Stef wanted me to put Shelby's name on the edge of the blanket.  I was excited to do it but my machine was not.  I really think it needs to be serviced or something but it was horrible!  I had to unpick it several times and some of the letters look really wonky.  This is a sample of one that actually did turn out.  I had to manhandle the fabric like nobody's business and with some careful yanking at just the right moment the name came out perfectly.  I was planning on doing it on all four sides but I just didn't have the time/patience and I couldn't imagine it was good for my machine.  In the end it only got on one of the four sides.  The blanket measures 44" square so it's huge and the square makes swaddling SO much easier.  The burp cloths are about 12" by 22".

I saw a sample of this necklace at my Sticks and Strings retreat.  I knew I had to have it.  I couldn't believe it was actually crocheted!  Who knew!  I found the pattern here I used an L sized hook and worked it up in about 10 minutes while watching TV, so fast and easy!  The yarn was $8.00 and I could probably make four of these, not bad at all!  I've made two.

Here it is on me.  LOVE!  I have to finish getting over this flu so I can leave the house and show it off!

Here's a closeup of the necklace.  Who would have guessed crocheted?  I adore it!

Here's what the "yarn" if you'd even call it that, started out looking like.  It's called Beautiful by Dark Horse Yarns

My last project I fixed then finished my Christmas etchings quilt top.  I had an alignment issue on the top which you can see in my last WIP Wednesday post.  I ended up having to unpick the whole strip but it looks so much better now and I'm glad I did.  It would have bothered me forever if I didn't take the extra time now.  It probably won't be quilted until next month.  We're going on vacation and I need to save my money.  Since it is a Christmas quilt for me I'm sure I can wait.
No progress:
• Cape Ann Quit
• A Walk in the Woods Quilt
• Crocheted Afghan
• Skill Builder Sampler (seriously need to get on this one)
• Scrapbooks (my new goal project!)

This week's stats:
Completed projects - 8
New projects - 0
Currently in progress - 5

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. You have more talent in your pinky finger than I do all together!! I am jealous!! And... Cooper STILL loves his blanket you made when he was born!! It's one of his favorites!!

    1. You have talent just different areas. I can't do many of the things you can. I'm glad he still likes it. I love making things for other people, especially babies!

  2. Look at you go! Loving the quilt. So fun! Also, that necklace, I've got to make myself one! Hope you all get over the flu soon so you can get out of the house :)

    1. I got out of the house yesterday and I felt like a new woman! Now to catch up on all the things that got behind during the sickness.

  3. I am impressed. These are great and you have kids wow

    1. Thank you! I have four kids ages 2-6. I have an awesome husband who helps me find the time and I often craft during nap time or after bed time.

  4. Oh thank you! The hats were so fun! I've done a lot of blankets and just started 3D things last August. They are a lot easier than I thought they'd be. The Etchings quilt was so fun and super easy and fast! I LOVE that. I'm actually feeling much better, thanks.


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