With the hexagon quilt top finished I'm back in the groove with Leila's Skill Builder Sampler. I loved this months' blocks of irregular shapes and think I totally rocked it! However, I went back to catch up and did the string block and it's a fail. I guess you can't win 'em all, right? I'm hoping to be caught up in two weeks. I have eleven blocks left to catch up and I've already done 19 of the 30 she has currently posted. I think I can manage and I'm excited to stretch my sewing skills!
I read on someone's blog, sorry I read too many to remember who, that they were a monogamous quilter and that is SO SO me. I hate having more than one quilt going on at once. This sampler is really stretching my comfort zone in more than one way. Anyway, here's my progress for the week...
I'm linking up with Lee over at Freshly Pieced for WiP Wednesday. Go on over and check out what other fabulous woman have been doing this week...
I read on someone's blog, sorry I read too many to remember who, that they were a monogamous quilter and that is SO SO me. I hate having more than one quilt going on at once. This sampler is really stretching my comfort zone in more than one way. Anyway, here's my progress for the week...
Block #28 - Tumbler - I had no idea that making a template for this block would be so easy to make and easy to use. I have an Accuquilt Go! die for the bigger size but not one for the smaller. It was on my list of wants but now I don't think I do because this was so fast and easy I don't think I'd really need/use it. It was a fun block to make and it lined up really nicely. It looks crisp and fresh and I'd love to make a whole quilt out of this one in the future! |
Block #29 - Apple Cores -I made an apple core quilt last year for my nephew - see it here - and I'm already in love with this pattern. I used my Go! die and it was so fast and easy. The corners went together with little effort and it was quick to cut out. I love the colors of this block too! I can't imagine trying to do this block without the Go! though, it looks like it'd be wretched! |
Block #30 - Equilateral Triangles - Excuse the bad lighting. Most of the time I can't work on my quilts/blog until after the kids have gone to bed and by then the lighting is horrible. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt block! I adore the colors and how fun and easy it was. Once again I made my own template and it was a breeze! Leila suggested taping the template to the ruler for ease of use and it made the cutting step wiz by. I will surely be making another one of these in the future! |
Block #13 - String Quilt Block - FAIL! I've seen lots of people do these scrappy and now I know why! It's so hard to get them all to line up perfectly without shifting or stretching while you are sewing, removing the paper backing, or pressing! I love the colors and how I arranged them but I don't know if I could get past how they don't line up! I tried and came close but decided that this one is not one of my favorites and I may have to attempt it again to say that I have this skill. At least the fabric looks great! |