Friday, January 31, 2014

Shop Finishes: Hats and a Quilt

I was on a roll this week getting so much done! I wanted to post it all at once and I had to wait until I did the last of the binding. I finished two hats, cut fabric for a quilt along, and basted, quilted, and bound a baby quilt! On to the photo fun...

Seriously, couldn't you just die?! I just adore this hat on my sweet baby. I found the pattern here and I couldn't resist. I also listed them for sale in my shop here.

I also got an order for this adorable tiny fire hat. It's a newborn size and I just love how cute and small it is.

Here's a size comparison. Isn't it just sweet? The listing is here.

Melissa from Happy Quilting is doing another quilt along. I just had to join in since I've done all but one of her other ones. To me, the corner block in the Star Light Star Bright pattern totally looks like a bat so I went with it and I'm making two Halloween pillows for my couch. I have a quilt in a different pattern planned too but I'll save that until it gets closer to Halloween.

Some of you may wonder how I get so much done with a six month-old and four other kids. Well, this is how we roll. Ruby loves to watch the fabric come out of the machine. The three oldest have school most of the day and the other one either plays next to me or is napping (he takes about a three hour nap every day!) So, even with keeping up with the house and chores I have a lot of time on my hands to do what I love!

Speaking of what I love... here's my latest quilt for the shop.

I think the backing and binding choice for this one are so fun! I almost like the back more than the front. This is another finish off my 2014Q1FAL list found here.

I did zigzag lines on every row that continued all the way through the quilt. So every third strip. It made cute little squares on the back and it looks so fun on the front. I did a first for me and used bight colored thread for the quilting.

 I had a great week for finishes and I'm linking up with Finish it Up Friday and TGIFF. Go check them out for great inspiration!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WiP Wednesday: Sufficient

Last week the progress I made on everything was, in a word, insufficient. I totally made up for it this week mostly because Saturday my guild did an all day sewing day. I finished and worked on so many things I can't wait to share....

I finished my Scrumptions fabric Sew Together Bag! It was a bit tricky and took quite some time but I love it! It was one of my Q12014FAL goals (found here)

The mistakes I made were minor alignment issues and I think they could be perfected on a second go around.

I'm not really a random sort of girl. I think it was pretty adventurous to have the zippers be two different colors. ;) I really love how this turned out!

This the last block I had to test for my friend's new book.  Ignore the randomly folded corners. I just love blue and these fabrics together are so pretty!

Here are the three I tested together. It was pretty fun being a tester for someone. So fun that I signed up to be someone else's tester and I get to work on that in the next two weeks.

I also pieced a quilt top, prepared the backing, and made this binding for this baby quilt. The fabric is so fun and I love the colors.

Here's a picture of the top. It's so fun! It's the Jelly Roll Jam pattern that the Fat Quarter Shop has for free. It worked up crazy fast and is just the right size for a baby at about 36" square.
Also this week I worked on a few crochet projects including a Cabbage Patch Kid inspired hat that I can't wait to share with you tomorrow or Friday. I also hope to finish the quilt in that time. Since it's so tiny I don't think it should be a problem. The Star Light Star Bright quilt along also started today so I am going to get my fabric together and all cut up this week as well. I'm linking up with WiP Wednesday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WiP Wednesday: Insufficient

The progress this week was way insufficient. I do have an excuse though... the whole house has been overrun with illness. Some of us more than one thing in a row. I'm currently battling through bronchitis and not loving it. I did get some things done though so let's check them out...

I had a baby shower to go to this week and I whipped up this cute little hat for her upcoming little man.  I used super chunky yarn and couldn't find a pattern I loved for it. I wrote up one of my own based on average newborn head sizes and I love how it turned out. I'm working up a few other sizes then I will post it to the blog for those interested.

I made two of the three test blocks for my friend. I just love how they turned out! That flying geese one was my nemesis last time I tried it. However, this time it turned out quite well.

I really wanted to get this top sewn this week but this sickness overtook me. It's for the Jelly Roll Jam pattern where you need eighteen strips and this roll came with twenty. I managed to unroll it and decide which two I didn't want to use (harder than it sounds). I hope I feel better soon because I can't wait to tackle this one. The fabric is so cute - Mind your Ps and Qs.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

TGIFF: Small Finishes

Welcome to TGIFF!! I am so excited to be hosting TGIFF this week! It's a great linkup where fabulous people from all over the world come to show off their finishes. Speaking of finishes... I have three small ones this week to show you. I am so happy with how each of them has turned out.

First up... A triple zip pouch made from the fabulous tutorial found here. I have made several of these and just love them! They are so functional and cute to boot. This particular one is to hold my knook supplies. It's my latest hobby. You knit with a crochet hook. You can see my beginnings of a creation off to the left. The is my very first attempt and it looks so good! I assure you my regular knitting does not look this fabulous.

Here's another angle of the triple zip. I love to make the zippers match the accent piece and the lining that they open to.This is my first finish for the Q1 FAL (goal post here).

Here it is with my yarn tote that I made mid-December. It's fun to have a set like this.

Next up... I made a skirt for myself. I got these new boots for Christmas and while I adore them I didn't have a skirt I loved to match. So... enter my LQS. I bought some Wollies Flannel by Maywood. It looks and feels like Wool but isn't itchy and washes like cotton. BONUS! I got 1 5/8 yards and simply made a tube, hemmed, and added elastic to the top. Super easy and quick too!

My last project was the adorable crochet fire helmet for my little man. It was a test for my shop and is now available for custom orders. I adore making crochet hats and have many different styles available. Check it out if you have interest.
 Now it's your turn...

I'd love to see your finishes! Just link them up below then check out what everyone else has been up to. Be sure to leave comments - they brighten everyone's day! Also make sure you link back to this linkup somewhere in your post so everyone can get here as easily as we got to you.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WiP Wednesday: Pattern Testing and Flexibility

If I've learned nothing else sewing it's that you need to be precise yet flexible. So many times I've had a project in mind or a specific use for certain fabrics and then something happens to change everything. Either different inspiration strikes, I cut it wrong, I fall out of love with the pattern or something else entirely. I'm feeling that this week...

This fabric was intended for comfy pants for my son. I bought a remnant and did the math and there was going to be just enough. Well, I didn't plan for there to be 4.5" of salvage (!!!) in the 60" width. Seriously? So I was just about 2" short for making the pants. However, it was the perfect amount for a pillow case. The really sad part was this was one of my project for the first quarter finish along. I may just have to get more so I can make them and get that off my list.

Next on my to do list is some pattern testing for my friend. I am so excited about her new project and love that she asked me to test for her. She picked the fabrics, aren't they lovely?!

After that I think I'll tackle this bit of fabric and turn it into the Jelly Roll Jam pattern.
Thanks for stopping by for my late Wednesday post. Yet another thing that I just have to roll with this week. I'm linking up over at Freshly Pieced. Be sure to come back on Friday as I will be hosting TGIFF this week! I have some great finishes to share.

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 First Quarter FAL Goals

I am excited for another round of the Finish Along. I have the fabric for a bunch of projects lying around so I can really use the motivation. Instead of listing all of my projects I think I will limit my list to those that I have everything I need for them. For quilts, that would mean I already purchased the backing and the binding as well. You'd think that would make my number pretty small, not so. There are 20 in all. I have gone a little crazy shopping lately and really need to stop and get sewing. ;)

If you're visiting for the Kona blog hop or would like to see my Harry Potter book quilt finish go here.

I'll put my list on the side bar again so those who follow along with me can see my progress. I'm linking up over at the goal party at The Littlest Thistle. So the list, in no particular order...

#1 - I usually have all the projects for my babies finished before they are even born but I got behind with baby number five. This is her crochet blanket I started about 10 months ago and it has about 18 rows left to go. I haven't even touched it in probably five months. I just need to get it done.

#2 - My hubby's great grandmother made the blocks in the center of this quilt. They are made from clothes and backed with potato sacks. I'm not entirely sure of when she did this but it was at least 50 years ago. I inherited them and bought this cute pink to make it up to a twin size quilt. It is basted and ready to be quilted and bound.

#3 - This was done way back in March. I even started quilting it but my thread kept breaking so I had to go buy new thread and haven't picked it back up.

#4 - This one is a fairly recent top finish early to mid-September. It is waiting on some batting so I can baste, quilt, and bind.

#5 - I hesitated to even add this to the list because it is fairly quick but I've had the fabric for nearly two months now so maybe I need the motivation. It will be a Triple Zip Pouch to hold my Knook supplies. Have you heard of that? It's knitting with a crochet hook. I've tried it and am in love! I can totally crochet but knitting has been a struggle. This way is so easy!

#6 - This lovely bit of Scrumptious is going to be a Sew Together Bag. I have seen a few of these around and love them and I can't wait to have my own! It is mostly cut out and almost ready to assemble.

#7 - This lovely fabric is going to turn into a bag called the "Emily Bag" I found it on Craftsy. It will be for me and I'm pretty excited about it. I have all the stuff and the pattern but haven't made any progress beyond that.

#8 - This is going to turn into the Twists and Turns quilt found on the Moda Bakeshop. I've had this fabric for well over a year now and even had a pattern I bought it all for. Well, I fell out of love with the pattern but still love the fabric so we're going to try again and see what happens.

#9 - My oldest is a HUGE Iowa Hawkeyes fan. He is also always cold. So when I found this fleece I knew it had to be his in the form of comfy pants. I would like to get this done while it is still winter but I have no doubt he will wear them well into the warmer temps.

#10 - This one is going to be one of the easiest quilts ever but I'm excited about it. I'm just going to take the Honey Bun and sew all the strips together quilt and bind. It's going to be all about the fabric which is Bungle Jungle.

#11 and #12 - A pair of quilts for the Etsy shop. These two are going to be the Jelly Roll Jam pattern (you can make two with one jelly roll) using the Spring House line.

#13 and #14 - Another pair of quilts for the Etsy shop. These two are going to be the Jelly Roll Jam pattern (you can make two with one jelly roll) using the Apple Jack line.

#15 - Another quilt for the Etsy shop. This one is going to be the Jelly Roll Jam pattern using the Mind Your Ps and Qs line.

#16 - This one is going to be a queen size using the Simply Woven tutorial from the Moda Bakeshop. I started it well over a year ago and was so discouraged with how the first block turned out I put it away and never picked it back up. Look at it now it doesn't look so bad. It's a little bit off but not as horrible as I remember. Pregnancy hormones may have had a hand in this one.

#17 - This is going to be a baby quilt using the "Charming Lucy" pattern.

#18 - This Scrumptious is going to be the Pinwheel Baby quilt from the Moda Bakeshop. The pattern for this one is so adorable complete with tiny prairie points.

#19 - This will be the Happy Weekender quilt from the Moda bakeshop. I can't wait to see how this one turns out!

#20 - This will be the Line Dance quilt from the Moda Bakeshop.
I probably won't be able to get all of these done, I mean it's kind of a lot. However, I like to have choices so putting them all on the list seems like a good choice. Good thing there is no penalty for not getting things done.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Equilateral Triangle Fire Truck Quilt

My littlest man has been so patient will be for quite some time on his quilt and it finally paid off! I finished the equilateral fire truck quilt I promised him last year. I am so happy with how it turned out too. Once again I quilted the finish myself, at home. I'm loving how my skills are improving and how much money this is saving me! This was my goal for ALYoF for January. I finished it up pretty quickly. The goal post is here.

If you're visiting for the Kona blog hop or would like to see my Harry Potter book quilt finish go here.

Here's some more photo detail...

He's my little guy back in June when the fabric first came in the mail. Part of the reason it took me so long to get to this one is that he would carry the fabric around all the time and sleep with it in his bed just like this. It was adorable! Every time I would talk about making something with it he would say, "No cut it my favric!" Then finally in November he was on board after his baby quilt would no longer cover his feet (I make 'em big).

Here's the finish - LOVE! Originally I had planned on putting in some white triangles too but I had enough fabric to do the whole thing in fire trucks and it worked out well this way so I just stuck with it.  It's a little busy but I think it works okay for a little man. Random is really difficult for me, I don't know why, so I enlisted the help of my kids and hubby and they picked out which triangles to sew next and got the layout all set up. There are spots I don't love but the overall feel is good and random.
Here's a close-up of the fabric. It's called All Fired UP by Dan Morris for RJR Fabrics.

My little guy's favorite color is orange. It's an obsession only equaled by his love for all things fireman. So I backed it in this great orange with a dark red stripe to add length and tie in the binding. The fabric is totally not coming to mind right now and I can't find my scraps. Grrr, I found it at my LQS though.

I really like how the quilting came together in little stars. I did 1/4" on either side of each seam.

I love the quilting on this one! It was so fun and I feel so accomplished doing another twin size on my home machine. The quilt worked out to be about 72" by 88".
I'm linking up with Finish it up Friday and TGIFF. Also I get to host TGIFF next week!!! EEK! I am so excited! That means you have a whole week to finish something, anything, and come over here and link it up with me next week.