Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WiP Wednesday: Check times FIVE!

That's right folks, five finishes this week!  Okay two of them were only sampler blocks but still, they count!  Plus, I'm lumping four hot pads into one finish so that totally makes up the difference.  It's WiP Wednesday again at Freshly Pieced and, as usual, I'm linking up to the blogger frenzy fun!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

First off the not pictured hot pads.  I can't believe I sent them off to my friend without snapping at least one picture!  I made four of them following this pattern that I wrote up myself after inspecting one my friend had.

UPDATE:  My friend emailed me a picture of the hot pads.  So here they are for your viewing enjoyment.


Now for the other four finishes...

I finished my little girls Hexagon Park quilt.  It's hard to tell who loves it more!  For the whole post on the finish and more pictures follow this link.  It went quite well and I would recommend this pattern to anyone!

Finish number three was the crochet Christening dress.  I mailed it out yesterday (5/29) and I can't wait until my friend gets it in the mail!!  I went with the shorter variation as my friend asked for.  I also added a flower at the waist line and made up another for her hair.  I love it!  For the whole story and more pictures see the finish post.

Now that I've finished some of my more pressing projects I've gone back to working on the Skill Builder Sampler.  I love the variation that Leila from Sewn comes up with!  This is Block #32 - Hexagon Flower.  It's so pretty!  I've been scared of little hexagons but this was so fun and easy!  I worked on it while my hubby and I watched TV after sending the kids to bed and it was relaxing.  I hope to make a whole hexagon garden quilt one day, it's now firmly on my list.

Block #31 - Cactus Flower -- This one was a bit frustrating and totally time consuming for me.  I didn't mess it up at all, which was a miracle, but it took a lot more thinking and working than I'm used too.  By the end I was wondering if it was really worth all that work but I love it!  I don't know if I'd make it again but I'm happy I made it the first time.  It's now, near the end of the sampler that I'm feeling my skills being stretched which makes me feel great about my skill set before starting!

Since I have so many things checking off my list I'm working on adding a lot more.  Here's my ever-growing list of planning stages...
- A Walk in the Woods quilt - have the fabric and know the pattern now just have to start cutting!
- Ruby quilt - have the fabric and know the pattern.  I miscarried the baby it was planned for and now I can't decide if I should make it and hope for another girl baby or just use the fabric for something else.
- Nana Papillon quilt - I know which fabric and pattern I'm going to use but that's as far as I've gone.
- Oldest boy quilt - seriously no idea but he needs a new one especially now that I've made/am making his sisters one.
- Youngest boy quilt - ditto to the last statement
- SIL quilt - I know the pattern and more or less what I fabric I want and I'm just waiting on funding.
- Grandma quilt - I'm still actively hunting for  a pattern for my very traditional but spunky Mother-in-law.

Waiting to be quilted...
- Ancient quilt blocks - I got them from my hubby's mother and put them together with a boarder to make a twin quilt.  They were made by his grandma or great grandma, I'm going to have to nail that one down.
- Quilt #2 - The second quilt I ever made was king size and is still waiting to be quilted.
- Etchings quilt - It's all ready, including the binding, and I was going to have Leila do it but I want to learn myself and it seems like a no pressure thing to practice on once I start to get the hang of it.

On Going projects...
- Skill Builder Sampler
- Scrapbooking - I've got everyone to January 2010 and the family one to June of 2010.
- Never Ending Afghan - after the blessing dress I'm crocheted out so this may have to wait some more.

WOW!  That makes me feel so busy/accomplished!  Here's to another week of productivity!


  1. Holy Guacamole! You have lots going on. That Christening dress is just darling.

  2. The hexagon park quilt is so pretty! I've had hexagons on my list of to-do's for at least six months, lol. Need to get around to that. :)
    I have a feeling the Ancient quilt blocks will be awesome - I love taking old materials and making them new again, especially if they have sentimental value!
    PS I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. :(

  3. Wow - so many projects! Your little Christening dress is lovely and I really like the Hexagon Park quilt.


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