Update: This problem has now been resolved. I let them know of the issue and this is the awesome response I received from Moda. I wonder if it is even from the same person as the ones at the bottom of this post?
modafabrics @julieschloemer
Thank you for your response. We are also very happy to report that we
had our developer look into this link issue and she was able to fix the
.html links. Now the projects that have been pinned from our Moda Bake
Shop should work seamlessly with our new site. We always appreciate
questions and concerns so we can continue to improve our site to best
fit our readers and customers. Thanks again and enjoy our new Moda Bake
Sometimes the phrase "epic fail" really fits a situation. While the newly redesigned Moda Bake Shop site is lovely it has a major flaw. All the hundreds (thousands?) of Pinterest links are now broken. All bookmarks also lead nowhere. It says "Page not found."
.png) |
Yes, yes it is. Embarrassing and a huge problem. Every link that has ever been saved is now wrong. Every pin on pinterest, every bookmark on every computer, and even Google results lead you to the above page. |
.png) |
If you happen to remember the actual date of the post then you're covered. The new links include this extra tidbit of information. The old links just have the year and month. You can do a direct search on the Bake Shop's site but that's the only way you're getting to your tutorial - and that only if you remember what it's called. Otherwise you're forced to scroll through five years of recipes to find the ones you want - no thanks. |
I only discovered this as I created a link earlier today and one of my lovely followers pointed out that it didn't work. I'm always double checking my links to make sure my sources are cited so I went back and sure enough, not functioning. It took me over six hours to solve the problem. You're welcome.
Would it be tacky to ask for some sort of reward for discovering this little tidbit of information? Maybe? Horizon Fat Quarter Bundle? A girl can dream.
Update: You can also make the link work by taking off the .html on the end of your link.
Before I wrote this blog I let the people at Moda Bake Shop know of my problem. Here's how that went...
julieschloemer @modabakeshop
Your redesigned shop has changed all of your links. Thus all the pins and
bookmarks that everyone has created ever are no longer functional.
julieschloemer @modabakeshop The new links include a day in the date while the old ones do not. Thus making all links null and void.
julieschloemer @modabakeshop I wrote a clearer description on my blog. Link in profile.
Their solution seems to be to make us all change ALL the links everywhere. Impossible and crazy difficult. It also negates all the work I did to save all their stuff on Pinterst and bookmarks. Sure removing that .html seems like an easy fix in theory until I have to go and do it for all my links and every other quilter everywhere has to do it as well. It seems like it would be much easier to have them figure out some sort of forwarding system. Right?
If you've ever pinned anything of theirs to pinterest this affects you! Thoughts?